Carbon Masts

Terms of use

Owner and publisher

Owner: Lorima

Head office address

Rue du Commandant L’Herminier

Bloc K1

BSM de Kéroman

56100 Lorient


Tel : +33 (0)2 97 87 98 44

Company name : société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company), registered under SIREN number 439742537

VAT identification : FR75439742537

SIRET : 43974253700020

Publication manager : Yann CADART – Director

Contact :

Design, production and referencing

Designer : Addviso

Head office address :

4 rue d’Estrée, 35000 Rennes

35000 Rennes


Tel. : +33 (0)2 23 20 19 83

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Web host

Web Hoster: DataCampus

Head office address :
Technopole du Futuroscope
86360 Chasseneuil

Tel : +33 (0)5 16 64 00 75

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